I'm working on a fanfic. it's early in development, but i have BIG plans. Would you like to see works from me, or should i not even bother.

Best posts made by Offbeatcat
Project 10
Derrick J Wyatt: Issues I have with him
I feel like Derrick J Wyatt tried to retcon everything Dwayne created from Alien force and Ultimate alien. No Ultimates(which i do not mind), different art styles for EVERY character even though the originals were fine, changing histories and backgrounds of people i.e. darkstar and cooper being mutants now! and destroying the universe just to get rid of primus cause he didn't like it? I mean, come on!!! Sure, Kevin changes ALL THE FREAKING TIME, so that wasn't too bad. Although, trying to retcon Primus out of existence instead of finding an actual purpose for it annoys me. Sure, everything's been rebooted, but I cannot get over it. I mean, i feel he put more passion into redoing old aliens from the original series then the ones from alien force and ultimate alien. Jetray never even got an appearance, since dwayne didn't like him.Humongosaur got spammed, swampfire completely changed in a pointless manner, Rath used in EVERY DAMN SEASON!!! COME ON! Please bear in mind these are my opinions and feelings
RE: Who runs our youtube channel?
@admin I'd be happy to help you run it! If that's okay with you.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 4: Show/Episode Discussions cont.
i'm gonna be honest. This looks pretty promising. It kinda feels a bit like the old episodes from the original. Wish we could get a better understanding of how omni enhance worked though. It felt strange to see ben go for grey matter, but then again, we don't have context.
RE: What Would You Like To See on Ben 10 Club?
Fun fact: I'm now part of the youtube channel. I just haven't posted anything yet
RE: Ben 10: Power of 10
i have a video game concept. Ben ( 10 years old ) is thrust into another universe, one where vilgax found the omnitrix and took over the world. When he was pulled into this world by an unknown force ( that world's azmuth ), the dna in the omnitrix was scrambled, leaving him with 10 aliens he's never seen ( aliens he will get later when he gets older ). He must learn all of their powers, while battling old enemies that are merged with some of his aliens. At the end, he'll have to fight Vilgax, who can use the original 10 aliens. It'll be a fast paced battle where you'll need to exploit each alien's weakness to stand a chance of victory. I call it "Ben 10: Time's up"
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
@ben-10-fan well, that's good and bad. We could be next. However, now we don't have 10k club looming over us like a dark cloud, being a shallow mockery of what we do.
RE: Isn't there a single UAF fan out there besides me?
@mortie-10 welp, omniverse is a mixed bundle. hard to tell what is and isn't canon. But UAF has it much worse with the plot confusion. ( please note: i love those two installments )
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@ungrateful-wolf Diamond ice as black ice is a huge stretch. So are Quad smack and and smack. i just don't see it.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 4: Show/Episode Discussions cont.
@admin nah. It'll make us look bad.
RE: Ben 10: My Ideal Roster of Ben's Aliens
You know, I don't think it's fair to remove abilities or tweak power levels. When you do that, it kinda makes me feel as though you're picking favorites. It takes away from the alien, making it different then the creators intended. I mean, really. Please don't be offended. I'm just trying to make sure this list is accurately balanced, and not swayed by one man's opinion. This website is a group effort, not one person running the whole business.
RE: Who wants Ben 10 to be put on Netflix and/or Adultswim?
Honestly, i like the idea of a split timeline. We get the reboot on CN, and the galactic roadtrip could've been on netflix. I think that could've worked.
RE: New game announced!!
@tactical-ochoa I don't think that's the case. I'm fairly certain that the episodes will get divided into 3 or 4 levels, not including a boss. Also, i'm pretty sure that each alien will have some unique quirk to change up combat. In any case, i'm hoping this game takes after the omniverse one.
But you're right, the ben 10 game comes out at a terrible time.
RE: Toys R Us Files for Bankruptcy in the US
@omni-triforcer I formally apologize. I lost my temper.
RE: Kevin in Reboot?
I have hope for kevin. They did decent with Vilgax. Plus, Kevin's fairly basic, so they can't screw much up.
RE: Animated short film
@rexfan1333 Adobe flash. It's cheap. And i'd like to suggest that you try animating ben using master control to battle past vilgax's robots by transforming into all the original series aliens in order.
RE: Toys R Us Files for Bankruptcy in the US
Oh good grief, can we all just cut down on the drama? And how the heck does this affect ben 10 directly? I've done the math. They sell a lot of toys. The reboot's not made for old fans, but for the newer and younger generation of kids. And it's actually a good strategy. it makes money. kids love it. THAT'S KIND OF CARTOON NETWORK'S GOAL. So please, can we all stop being butthurt fans and try to act a bit more positive?
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 4: Show/Episode Discussions cont.
@tactical-ochoa He feels like a 10 year old. The way he approaches things. How he acts and talks. Since you're an adult critic, you've probably overlooked that detail. Ben's personality really doesn't feel out of place to me. He hides the Cadobbit under a BLANKET. I used to do that all the time when i was hiding things from my family. Point is, he's just a kid who found a watch that turns him into aliens. Not a mature adult.
RE: Derrick J Wyatt: Issues I have with him
@oldtaku_dd I agree. Dwayne would have done a better job with omniverse.