What Would You Like To See on Ben 10 Club?
Reboot transformations, or showing off some merch or art, etc
More Alien Force and Ultimate Alien videos. I also want to see the top 5 retcons video.
Also Top 5 fan favorite aliens! Now that you bring it up
Maybe discussion videos where you cover the latest Ben 10 news, provide your own opinions on certain topics, etc. You could maybe also try and post podcasts as well where you talk with other members of the Ben 10 Club website, other YouTubers, some of the people working on Ben 10 (if possible), etc.
@admin Great, I would like to see more "Top" Video's of Ben 10, Reaction video's also the things that @Tactical-Ochoa mentioned. And Yeah Success with the future of Ben 10 Club.
When there gonna make Ben 10 Reboot comic books?
fan art or fan fic contests?
more theories.
I would like to join another Live Stream of you guys, The last one from 2015 about 10 Years of Ben 10 was really creative and enjoyable.
Fun fact: I'm now part of the youtube channel. I just haven't posted anything yet
@ben-10-fan Oh yeah, I remember that. I was a special guest on it.
@tactical-ochoa Yeah you were in the Interview I remember that, that was really cool.
@andrew42 That's awesome. Glad that you're willing to help out the Ben 10 Club. Best of luck with their YouTube channel.
@Tactical-Ochoa i will be bringing my opinions, so please don't get triggered
@andrew42 Says the guy that blew a gasket and threatened to kill me over a simple question.
@tactical-ochoa for the last time, i was not threatening to kill you. I was saying in my own snarky way that you need to lighten up. I've explained this many times. Stop using that statement incorrectly.
@andrew42 Uh-huh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say.
Anyways, again, best of luck on the Ben 10 Club YouTube channel.
@tactical-ochoa ( loud frustrated groan )
thank you.