As of the moment, I feel as though my time here has been pointless. i don't feel like i'm doing anything. i'm not learning, i'm not changing anything, and MOA clearly doesn't care about the show. Discussing it is just depressing. I think i'm going to drop off from it. I'll be leaving this server until i feel like i have something worth talking about. Until then, this is it. i'm done dwelling on this shitshow. "It is time to move on. There is more to seek. Now go forth, and seek it..." -Ansem

Posts made by Offbeatcat
Last words...for now
RE: State of Cartoon Network
@cooljay7 due to the sales of toys, i'd imagine ben 10 isn't going to change much any time soon
RE: State of Cartoon Network
@cooljay7 I get the impression that both of them just want the same thing from this franchise. MONEY
RE: State of Cartoon Network
I somehow suspect ben 10 isn't moving into young adults. I would like that, but considering the way MOA has used it, they probably don't think the young adults are a profitable market.
RE: State of Cartoon Network
I guess now we just have to wait and see what happens.
Trivia time
As we've all been just shitting on the reboot lately, here's a more positive thread: How about we share trivia about the previous 4 shows!
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@Tactical-Ochoa It's all but confirmed that it is, as shown by the pattern. Here's hoping the show at least gets a different team of writers.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
To be honest, what i think the reboot needs is more time with a story. Story has always been the afterthought of each season. They need to chill with the seasons and merch, and just put more time into a season. plan things out.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
Well, what do you think it's going to be like? Do you think that the formula will be any different?
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
I suspect a burnout could be in the future if they keep rushing like this.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
Well, this confirms the theory. They're building the new seasons around merchandise, and they begin development of a new season before a season even finishes.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
Geez, we've barely even started on season 3 and they're already developing a season 4 AND a spinoff? They're starting to get a little in over their head...
The website
Was it just me, or was the entire website down for a week or more? Maybe something was wrong with my internet, but i couldn't access the site. Does this have something to do with changing it? I'd like to know, if possible.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@tactical-ochoa I can't figure you out. half the time you're a stone cold critic who doesn't wanna hear my misplaced optimism, but somehow when i start getting cynical you're an optimist.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@tactical-ochoa kinda hard to do so.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@tactical-ochoa we've been doing that. We keep doing it, but nothing changes, nor shows any sign of changing. we're a minority. is there really a point in crusading for something better, when we're likely not going to get it?
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@tactical-ochoa much as i hate to say it, there are too many stupid kids who give support for this to happen any time soon
RE: I think I'm going off the website
@ungrateful-wolf understandable. The state of the website just reflects the show. there's not much going on with the show, and so the website is in a slump as well. i'm sorry that things aren't working out for you.