No, not all of us

Best posts made by Ungrateful-Wolf
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
"Omni-Enhancements are just a cheap move to make weak reboots stronger!"
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
Biggest crack theory ever incoming: the reboot Omnitrix was made to imprison criminals that were considered too powerful and Shock Rock is one of them. It's also why Gax was in there, Azmuth tried to seal Vilgax but only managed to get half of him. The rest of the aliens are also criminals and Ben was turning into villains this whole time. That's why Ben never gets the right alien to save people and has to figure things out but always gets the ones he wants for pranks: the aliens want to cause mischief
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
He's probably talking about this (couldn't find in better quality, god the nostalgia tho)
RE: Will kai become bens love interest?
If they ever give Ben a love interest, I want it to be someone he has genuine development with. Julie had development but man, was it thrown around every 5 episodes!
If they put Kai back, I hope she's introduced in a better way, because while Julie had at least a year to know Ben (right before he broke up with her in the most stupid way possible), Kai literally called him a dog, then kept arguing with him for the most OV episodes until their love story was rushed in at the game show and they got together.
Worst part was the explanation they've had for Julie "You don't always end up marrying someone you met as a teen." Something they said about Julie, while Ben married someone he met as a 10 YEAR OLD KID.
Honestly, any character could be a good love interest for Ben if done well. Heck, if they did it in a better way, Gwevin could've been better too. I just hope they don't mess up the new character dynamics too much for the sake of love plot if they ever throw in love interests. -
RE: Will kai become bens love interest?
@mortie-10 That's what made it stupid, he broke up without knowing he did like an idiot! I know they wanted to stick to the OS's canon but damn. Other shows with less quality in writing handled relationships like these better
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
@jordancon2000 1.) That's an interesting theory, very likely if Ben doesn't get Upgrade back normally. I'd love to see what Ben as Galvanic Mechamorph hybrid can and can't do in more than one situation.
2.) I had that theory too. If it's true, not only was Vilgax accidentally right during "The 11th Alien" about the Omnitrix responsible for the world's possible destruction, but all of Ben's struggles and doubts about being a hero are gonna become so much bigger.
At least, we know for sure who Ghostfreak could be, and we can easily theorize who the other baddies could be (Malware for Upgrade, Viktor for Frankenstrike, Liam for Kickin' Hawk, Albedo for Grey Matter). Though it'd mean that there's at least one Arburian (Cannonbolt's species) that wasn't a pacifist and that, like Vilgax, became one of the first criminals of his planet. Creepy.
That also means that this entire time, Ben was turning into supervillains instead of a hero (which could explain why the Omnitrix gives him the alien he wants almost only when he causes mischief and mistransforms the other times when he really needs a specific one).
If Azmuth made the Omnitrix as a mobile prison for the villains of each planet, man, I think the reboot officially would've made the concept of the Omnitrix even darker than the Original, and that would be quite a feat.
It'd also make Ben, as the wielder of the Omnitrix, the only DNA sample that is an actual good guy -
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
I am just saying that this isn't the first time the franchise did a "a gimmick" like this one. They didn't change what the Omnitrix was, but some of the things it had in the way it worked.
I think that by "The Omnitrix is now a gateway", they mean to say that Shock Rock did something in the Omnitrix that forced it to become a portal, a teleporter or some other thing he could use to conquer the world by bringing his army to Earth, like when Ben got transported in the Null Void without his hand because of Sunder's energy weapon. It's not like Azmuth ever intended it to do that, that's just how it reacted when someone messed with it.
The Omnitrix is one of the most advanced devices in the galaxy, it's not far-fetched to imagine that someone with enough intelligence and skill (like Albedo and Psychobos) could modify it to make it do something it didn't originally have. The Omni-Enhancements and Ultimate forms are a good example of that since Azmuth probably didn't intend neither one or the other, since they were features Ben and Albedo added later on.
And at least, he's using it in a relatively believable manner as a way for his army to arrive on Earth, not to break through time and space to reach his destination like Eon did with the Hands of Armageddon in "Ben 10,000 returns" by messing with Ben and Ultimate Ben's watches. -
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
It's a bit of an improvement. There's continuity, more action compared to season 1, more meaningful moments between the Tennysons, and some tiny bit more drama: Ben starts doubting himself and realizing his powers can be dangerous, as well as that he knows nothing about the Omnitrix and that someone could turn all those cool powers into a weapon to hurt people. Also, some villains start targeting Ben directly instead of him "just being in their way", and some of the baddies are given more depth in comparison to season 1.
They've been building up the entire season to the finale where we got a new char! The finale explains the OEs btw -
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
I guess it does take away some of his uniqueness to absorb. Though it may be for the better, since we'd get to see more of him in this season (he appeared about 4 times in OS). Plus, not being an ugly alien mutant right away allows for more screentime, as well as to show more diversity with the alien designs (I know, I know, this allows for more toys, marketing and blablabla).
Also, during OS era, I barely remember him using his absorption beside his debut, later appearances had him just use Ben's aliens. So, it's not gonna make that much of a difference, it could bring him closer to Albedo (like Frightwig and Morningstar were brought closer to OG Kevin, being kids with powers like Ben does but choosing to hurt others and cause mischief for fun instead).
Latest posts made by Ungrateful-Wolf
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
Now that all of season 3 has aired, I know it's been a while and it's a dumb thing to act this petty and return in a topic that was left away, even for something as trivial as that but...
@Ungrateful-Wolf said in Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3:
BECAUSEAnd he has been trying to use or recruit Ben for some evil plan. If we've been building up to this for the past two seasons...
Please let Ben be okay, please have the evil jerk recruit him peacefully without torture...@Offbeatcat said in Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3:
i love the idea. I really do. But as this is the reboot, i don't think they were ever trying to make this an overarching story. it's merely a string of coincidences. We can't get our hopes up YET.
Again, I really am sorry for acting this petty but
I think I'm going off the website
I've been here for over a year, when I started to be more outgoing on social media.
I've been wanting to participate in the fandom ever since I got back into it, so I decided to join Ben 10 Club.
But now, the community around here is just so... dull, empty, toxic.
I feel there's nothing left here for me anymore. There's no discussion about headcanons, no fanart sharing, no fanfic talk, nothing you usually find in a fandom.
No theories, no talk about which toys we'd get. Recently, there's only like, 2 or 3 other people still using the website, and all there has been was complaining recently.This isn't about the reboot, the writers or the show itself. This is just about this website. There's nothing else I can find, nothing else to talk about when all the current stuff there is is just complaining. There's nothing keeping me in here anymore. I'll still be available on other places but, this will be the last message I'll be posting on this website for a while.
This was Ungrateful-Wolf, and I'm sorry.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@offbeatcat He didn't mean to be sarcastic, he just made a joke since 14 and 90 are really the extreme cases for age where they won't take him seriously.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
just a theory at this point, nothing crazy
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@tactical-ochoa No, no official source. But when at least three Kevin aliens confirm it and when two of Ben's aliens also apply, it becomes a solid theory. Kinda surprised you're paying attention to something that trivial.
Unless you're talking about Bashmouth, in which case I was just giving an opinion when I said I believed he was Rath's rival
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
I'll be honest, I feel like they're more taking old unused ideas, or unusually strange ideas, and sometimes saying "sure, why the hell not?" Not in a negative way, a neutral one.
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
@cooljay7 That's because Kevin's aliens are all based on band and music names.
Quad Smack = SMACK (finnish band)
Bashmouth = Smash Mouth (band)
Black Ice = Black Eyed Peas (band)
Wreckingbolt = Wrecking Ball (song by Miley Cyrus)
Hot Shot = Hotshot (band)You'll notice Ben himself has two reboot original aliens with that theme naming too: Shock Rock (music genre) and Slapback (sound term).
For Black Ice, let's be honest, we all heard the complaint that Diamondhead's powers in the reboot looked too much like ice powers at least once. The writers acknowledged that and used it to name Diamondhead's copy.
Also, as mutated Kevin's aliens can be, I really don't feel Bashmouth is an Appoplexian. He looks more like a werewolf like Blitzwolfer than a tiger or any anthropomorphic feline. (I do believe he is Rath's rival tho) -
RE: Ben 10 reboot discussion: Season 3
Maybe because they were still trying to get their footing and weren't expecting to make a masterpiece at first try with OS, so they didn't make it too complicated because the show was still at the start of a franchise and things weren't expected to be too big?
RE: Kevin and the Anti-trix
I know he's supposed to parallel Rath, but that one seems more canine than feline imo.
Plus, the wiki kiiiiiiiiiiinda already accepted him as a Loboan anyway