@Hotshot14380 And I meant with the original series, the other sequels, as everyone has already stated, need a reboot.

Zack R. Hunter
Hey guys! I'm new here. All the support I can get feeling welcome is greatly appreciated. So. I like Fire, heat, orange red, orange-red, you get the point. I'm very friendly and hope to see you around the website!
Best posts made by Hotshot14380
RE: Do you think Man of Action will ever return to the original continuity?
RE: Do you think Man of Action will ever return to the original continuity?
Probably not, though I hope they do because they do a good job with the show.
RE: What is your top 5 Ben 10 series
- Ben 1o (Original series)
- Ultimate Alien
- Alien Force
- Omniverse
- Reboot
The original series is always gonna be my favorite because it has all the classic characters and aliens, and was what set the whole series into motion.
Ultimate Alien is second because I really liked the more grown up feel to UA and AF, though UA is better in my opinion as a series in its whole and for the introduction to Ultimate Aliens.
Then was Alien force, which it after UA because it's practically the same series, except came first and didn't have Ultimate Aliens.
I didn't really like omniverse as a series because of it's really cartoony look and also the aliens. To be honest I felt they ran out of alien ideas, and then just went back to using old characters, who didn't even look like they should have.
Finally was the reboot. I think we all can agree this is just not good. Though there are good things about it, there are to many bads. WHO IS OVERFLOW?My opinion
RE: What to watch now
Well I would definitely suggest, if you have netflix, I love watching Flash, Arrow, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil. I guess I'm a fan of superheroes a bit to much. That's not the only reason I suggest it though, because the shows have really good stories and eventually cross over with each other. But if you only want something on CN, I dont know.
Latest posts made by Hotshot14380
RE: I'm back
kewl, can other people help you with them?
Cough Cough mmeee Cough Cough
RE: What if you had the omnitrix?
@Mortie-10 well do take into account that you're going to have to reason with the head people which at the time I can't remember the names of, so alien X might be a little more difficult to use, everything else I would probably do too
RE: What if you had the omnitrix?
For me, I would first take about 3 hours freaking out and mind blowing, then XLR8 or fasttrack over to my friends house, make sure he tells no one, show him, let him recover for 3 hours, and then test it out a lot. I'd probably use it for homework, grey matter or brainstorm, and if I could, would stop crime, bullies, and other bad things around my area. I would try to use it for good, when i'm not using it for fun
What if you had the omnitrix?
This is basically a repost on the old topic, what if the omnitrix was real by XLR8.
Ok so basically, what would you do if you had the omnitrix? What would you use it for, what would be your reaction, would you use it responsibly? -
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
So if we are only going on the first two episodes, then here are my thoughts.
I enjoy the voice acting of the characters, the behavior of the characters and the attributes and habits of the characters. Besides that the show is pretty meh. I enjoy how Ben likes sumo slammers still, Gwen is a geek, and grandpa doesn't care what the hell his grand kids do.
For the first episode I thought it was really face paced, had little to no back story on anything, and had pretty bad content overall.
The second episode, to be honest was more or less the same as the first. Content wise I think it was a littl better than the first, mostly because of Hex and Ben showing off how much he really knows about the aliens, like when he is explaining to Gwen how to use upragde, you can tell he has the expierencee he should have with the Omnitrix.
Well those are my thoughts, I'm hoping the show will improve in the next couple episodes, if I can get past the fact stink fly is completely different and upgrade is purple and wild mutt bieng replaced by overflow and..., sorry got Carried away. -
RE: What to watch now
Well I would definitely suggest, if you have netflix, I love watching Flash, Arrow, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil. I guess I'm a fan of superheroes a bit to much. That's not the only reason I suggest it though, because the shows have really good stories and eventually cross over with each other. But if you only want something on CN, I dont know.
The future of the Reboot
So I looked around, and no one really mentioned any thoughts on their predictions for the future of the Reboot. I guess I wanted to see other people's thoughts on what they think.
RE: Who wants Ben 10 to be put on Netflix and/or Adultswim?
I'm not sure I would go as far as to put in categories such as nudity, sex, and swearing, however all the other topics would seem good for an audience that has been growing up with ben 10. The fans that used to watch the show as a kid should have something to move onto when there older. And yes, I definitely think it should be moved to netflix.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
Im interested to see how Overflow's character will develop, seeing as he was never an original alien, I'm wondering how people will react to him
RE: Top ten favorite Ben 10 aliens (original series)
Ok so after like, forever I finally managed to get down to ten. I hated getting rid of some, but this is it. in order of least to favorite, ignore title.
- Rip Jaws
- Benwolf
- Wildvine
- Diamond Head
- XLR8
- Cannonbolt
- Upgrade
- Ditto
- Heatblast
- Way Big
Reasons for picking who I picked. Rip Jaws barely made it because I like how he is the only water based alien, and his look. Benwolf because he a freaking giant wolf that shoots sonar rings. Wildvine is because of all his nature and stretch abilities. Diamond Head because he looks so cool and has endless creation with his crystals. XLR8 because I love superspeed. Cannonbolt because of his funny character, and his awesome ball of death. Upgrade is cool for his technology ability, which sticks to me. Ditto is funny and I like his design, as well as his cloning abilities. Heatblast because, hence my username, I love all things heat, fire, red, orange. Finally Way big. He is my favorite because HE IS A GIANT 200 FOOT TALL GIANT COSMIC BEAM SHOOTING ALIEN OF PURE COOLNESS.
sorry about that. Anyway that's my list, you guys let me know yours!