@Hotshot14380 And I meant with the original series, the other sequels, as everyone has already stated, need a reboot.

Best posts made by Hotshot14380
RE: Do you think Man of Action will ever return to the original continuity?
RE: Do you think Man of Action will ever return to the original continuity?
Probably not, though I hope they do because they do a good job with the show.
RE: What is your top 5 Ben 10 series
- Ben 1o (Original series)
- Ultimate Alien
- Alien Force
- Omniverse
- Reboot
The original series is always gonna be my favorite because it has all the classic characters and aliens, and was what set the whole series into motion.
Ultimate Alien is second because I really liked the more grown up feel to UA and AF, though UA is better in my opinion as a series in its whole and for the introduction to Ultimate Aliens.
Then was Alien force, which it after UA because it's practically the same series, except came first and didn't have Ultimate Aliens.
I didn't really like omniverse as a series because of it's really cartoony look and also the aliens. To be honest I felt they ran out of alien ideas, and then just went back to using old characters, who didn't even look like they should have.
Finally was the reboot. I think we all can agree this is just not good. Though there are good things about it, there are to many bads. WHO IS OVERFLOW?My opinion
RE: What to watch now
Well I would definitely suggest, if you have netflix, I love watching Flash, Arrow, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil. I guess I'm a fan of superheroes a bit to much. That's not the only reason I suggest it though, because the shows have really good stories and eventually cross over with each other. But if you only want something on CN, I dont know.