Please Don't Make The Reboot Like This
Everyone needs to watch this
@Omni-Triforcer I'm getting an error and the video won't play. I think I know what it is though.
@Tactical-Ochoa said:
@Omni-Triforcer I'm getting an error and the video won't play. I think I know what it is though.
Here it is: -
@admin I'm actually the one who made that! I was a little shy to post it here because some of us tend to get a little opinionated, but I'm glad it got shared here. Hope you all enjoy it.
@Hawk-Kawaii Just saw your video, it was great. You should make more.
@Hawk-Kawaii said:
@admin I'm actually the one who made that! I was a little shy to post it here because some of us tend to get a little opinionated, but I'm glad it got shared here. Hope you all enjoy it.
I agree with it all thank you for making it
Thanks @admin.
@Hawk-Kawaii Yeah I saw this video before and yeah, I agree. It is important to keep an open mind. However, for clarification, most CN fans and viewers aren't willing to do that anymore for Cartoon Network. We've given CN plenty of opportunities to make improvements. We've given CN plenty of chances to stop their bullshit and turn things around for the better. Now, people are tired, sick, and fed up about what CN has been doing in recent years. At this point now, fans and viewers no longer want to have an open mind because they have lost their patience with CN. Instead, most CN fans and viewers have gone towards the mindset of "either give us a show worthy of quality or screw you, we're leaving your network." That instead, people rather just set their expectations and follow their instincts. That at this point, people rather give CN an ultimatum. That is how things are now and in my opinion, I'd say that's a valid reason for people's negative views on the Ben 10 reboot and many of Cartoon Network's other shows. After all, there is a major reason for why the number of CN viewers had dropped from over 33 million to over 13 million in the last 7 to 8 years and why that number continues to fall. People are getting sick and tired of CN's bullshit and as a result, they no longer want to have an open mind on many of CN's shows anymore because of what CN has been doing in recent years.
Here is another thing that I want to clarify as well. Yeah, you can suggest for fans and viewers to have an open mind but you can't expect them not to. Ben 10 is a beloved and well established franchise. If the Ben 10 reboot turns out to be bad, it's not going to ruin people's childhoods and degrade the quality of the Original Series but fans and viewers just don't want to see their favorite franchises be butchered into a bloody cash grab pulp. They don't want to see their favorite franchises be reduced to be nothing more than just some blatant product advertisement. They don't want to see the Ben 10 series end on a down note, which is also a valid reason for why so many are against this reboot. I mean like christ, many are being turned off by the Ben 10 reboot simply because it's a reboot and most reboots and remakes nowadays are nothing more than just blatant and terrible cash grabs and Cartoon Network is no exception from that. You mentioned how the Ben 10 reboot shouldn't really be compared to Teen Titans Go! and the PPG reboot but actually, it's right and valid to make those comparisons. Teen Titans Go! had quite a strong influence to how CN had decided to treat their shows and the PPG reboot is made by CN Studios, who is the very production team that's working on the Ben 10 reboot. While CN Studios had made some really good shows in the past, they have also had their fair share of making some pretty bad shows as well; especially in recent years with a few exceptions. I believe that I even mentioned before that certain individuals, such as Bob Boyle and Sam Register, might be involved with the Ben 10 reboot as well and some of the people working at CN Studios aren't really that favored by many that watch CN's channel. CN Studios had also built up a fair share of a reputation in not having up to quality art designs and animation works. The most recent example is the PPG reboot. YouTuber MonstersReview had mentioned the artwork and animation flaws that the PPG reboot has. Also, CN owns these shows. They own Teen Titans. They own Powerpuff Girls. They own Ben 10. Even if Man of Action are the Executive Producers of he Ben 10 reboot, CN has the most amount of power here. What they say and want goes and their blatant and over abundance of product advertising and marketing is a major reason that shows that they have the most amount of power over their shows here, which worries even more fans and viewers.
There are also some more things that I want to clarify as well. Man of Action did indeed have a lot of creative control over the original Ben 10 show. They've worked on the concept of Ben 10 for 3 years before CN picked the series up. Man of Action were also the very people that managed the series as well before CN replaced them with different sets of writers such as Dwayne McDuffie and Glen Murikami. The Original Series is indeed the very show that Man of Action envisioned for Ben 10 and did have a lot of control over and a lot of say in.
I'm just making this comment to explain and clarify as to why people have such negative views on the Ben 10 reboot. What you decide to do with this side of the argument is really up to you. Also, you may say that us viewers don't control this series but we do determine whether or not it becomes successful. Once again, CN lost about 20 million viewers in the last 7 to 8 years and the number of viewers that are left is continuously dropping. There are many factors that influence the major drop in viewers but the most (or at least one of the most) major factors is that CN is focusing more on product advertising and marketing than the actual quality of their shows. Again, I'm just clarifying and explaining some things about your argument.
(Hopefully the graph that I linked will show the data. I think it's on some time trial so be sure to get a good look at the graph if it shows the data.)
@Hawk-Kawaii Thanks for the video hope you should make many more of them
@Tactical-Ochoa Its probably gonna take me a while to sift through that big chunk of text, but I would, for the moment being, like to point out that though every one of CN's shows is indeed made by CN and aired on CN, every show (even if some share execs) has a completely different production team. There are probably 10 to 12 shows of theirs that are produced in-house, meaning at the main studio, and all others are produced in other studios, all by separate individual production teams that have nothing more to do with each other than the fact that they work for CN.
So yeah, it kind of is a little unreasonable to be comparing a show you haven't seen yet to two other reboots that air on the same network with completely different production teams, one of which is not produced in the same studio as the other two. Although since all three are reboots of past CN properties involving superheroes and meeting mixed reactions, it's easy to understand the misconception.
I'd also like to point out that, since I've released the video, a lot more people have been coming out of the woodworks in favor of giving the reboot a positive chance and are actually pretty hyped. The point of the video was to kind of help people see the bright side of things, and I'm not quite sure you're speaking on behalf of as many people as you might think you are in terms of people being super fed up and being on the verge of boycotting CN.
I mean, I completely understand your hesitance towards a lot of things revolving around the reboot, and those feelings are entirely valid. However, you might be looking a little too hard into some things here.
Really hoping you'll give it a chance in the long run and that you'll grow to enjoy it in the future. Lots of love and hard work goes into it, and you might find you'll enjoy yourself a lot better if you loosen up and give something like this a try.
Here's to change!
@Hawk-Kawaii Again, just providing an explanation about those that you're arguing towards. In my opinion, you tackled more of the "what" in your video than the "why." Me, I just try to figure out the why. To understand where these people are coming from. I could be wrong about that aspect with your video but still, I try to at least understand both sides of the argument before I pick a side. That's just me though.
I looked at your video and your posts on Deviant-Art and Tumblr and you did manage to achieve something with your video but I took a closer look and really, you only managed to scratch the surface here. At least at the time that this comment got posted. This video also got shared on a couple other discussion sites such as the Ben 10 Club but only a couple more people further agree with you. You also have to take into account of those that already decided to have an open mind and/or are already excited for the Ben 10 reboot that watched your video. There's is already a lot of people that are looking forward to the Ben 10 reboot. You also have to take into account of those that watched your video but don't agree with you as well. Therefore, there is a likelihood that you managed to convince less than the amount that you think. When I say that many, if not most, people are sick and tired and fed up with CN and what they've been doing in recent years, that very much is the case. I've seen videos that show more concern and criticism towards the Ben 10 reboot with thousands and tens of thousands of views, and many many people showing their distaste towards the Ben 10 reboot. Videos that just provide coverage on the Ben 10 reboot have a lot of people showing their distaste. This is just one of the many examples where I looked that shows just how many view the reboot in a negative way and it's not just Ben 10 either. In fact, let me say this again. 20 million viewers left CN in the last 7 to 8 years. There are many factors that influence this massive drop but people getting fed up with CN dropping the quality of their shows is one of the major factors that influenced this drop. Either way, yes there are indeed many many fans and viewers out there that are against the Ben 10 reboot and CN's current way of running their network. I'm not saying that you did nothing because you did indeed make an achievement here with your video but, again, you only managed to scratch the surface here. You're not a big channel and by the looks of it you just recently made a channel at least a month ago and I understand that but if you really want to make a change here with that video, you're really going to have to give one hell of a message and get that message to spread around the internet like a wildfire because this video isn't going to be enough. Again, you did manage to make an achievement with this video and I congratulate you for that.
Regardless of how much crap I give the Ben 10 reboot, I still hope that it will turn out good. I still hope that I'm wrong here. I really do want the Ben 10 reboot to be good. I show a lot of criticism because I care a lot about this series. Ben 10 is one of the many franchises that defined my childhood and I don't want to see it turn into crap. However, I just rather set my expectations based on what I researched about the series, the team working on the series, and Cartoon Network's history themselves. History sings a different tune here for the Ben 10 reboot. So for now at the moment, I just don't expect much out of this reboot. For the most part, this reboot just doesn't look like it's going to be good. I will say this though. If the Ben 10 reboot does turn out to be good, I will be very much happy about that. I'll be very much happy that I was proven wrong. In fact, if the Ben 10 reboot does turn out to be really good or maybe even great, I will be one of the first here to say that it is a really good show and that I was wrong about what I said about the Ben 10 reboot. That I will definitely come out and say here about the Ben 10 reboot.
@Tactical-Ochoa so basically my argument is invalid because I literally JUST started up on YouTube and I'm not going with the norm of criticizing something that people claim to know a bunch about but have seen exactly zero seconds of footage of? Gotcha
When I've posted on tumblr that I'm proud of what I've done with my video, I'm not claiming to be super famous or successful or popular or that I have a huge influence or following or something. I literally JUST started the channel and I'm working super hard balancing work and school and putting that channel together so it actually has consistent content. I recognize there are a lot more popular and successful channels that have done videos with negative inclinations towards the show they also have not seen and that I'm nowhere near them at the moment, but obviously my goal was to reach that level, and it is slowly climbing.
I was super hesitant about making this video because I recognize there are and always will be people who will go out of their way to find negative things to nitpick about in any spectrum, and you and others seem to embody that kind of stubbornness. And that's fine, you don't have to like it. Nobody's forcing you to, I'm certainly not.
Alternatively, what making it made me realize was that amidst those people that are unwilling to budge or be positive about it, there are much more than expected who are open-minded and willing to give it a fair chance and make a value judgement about it based on its actual content and not on track records or massive assumptions.
I realize the status quo, but there are two things one can choose to do when faced with it; either they accept it and do nothing, or they decide to make a change even if they are alone in that endeavor, and hope others will stand by their side.
I don't have tens and thousands of viewers, but when people who work on it have shared it and told me they appreciate what I do to try and help, and people who were once as skeptic as you message me and tell me their mind is changed, that's the only true success I could hope for.
Hope you change your view on things in the future. It's better on the bright side man.
@Hawk-Kawaii Eh, I though about that second paragraph earlier that I typed and it was pretty iffy. I don't know, I guess I was trying to satisfy both sides of the argument or something of the likes but that's a task that's easier said than done.
So I found another episode of the PPG reboot, which is a spoof of the Hangover movie. Oh wait, this one is special though because this episode has Mojo Jojo in it...doing possibly the most stupid evil plan he's ever done and that's disguising himself as a pizza delivery boy and delivering pizza to the PPG. Go ahead and guess how that goes.
If anyone is interested, here is the link to the episode.
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@Ben-10-Fan Wow, even got the episode after the one that I mentioned...which I couldn't even bear to watch the entire thing because it felt like I was watching an acid trip; especially at the final act. I also heard there's a twerking scene in the PPG reboot?
@Tactical-Ochoa Wow?! a twerking scene in a show for kids (and adults if they want to see it) in episode 4? Wow soon you'll probably see on you tube or whatever that this episode will banish because it is not so good for the little kids...
@Ben-10-Fan Well, that's what I heard. I don't know if it was in episode 4 because I skipped through that episode because, again, I couldn't even stand it but yeah I heard on Twitter that there's a twerking scene or moment or something in the PPG reboot show. I don't know. Maybe I'll go looking around in the episodes to see if there is a scene like that or not. I'm guessing that it's most likely in the 4th episode.
@Ben-10-Fan Yup, there's a twerking episode 4 of the PPG reboot...and it's disturbing as all hell...even though it only lasts for like a few seconds.
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@Tactical-Ochoa I've already seen that episode and yea there was a twerking moment