@admin I agree completely.
As you said they never developed a change in the character. A character can change sides but it takes time to show a believable change.
In any case Kevin should not change. As I have said before, Kevin is a perfect nemesis for Ben and should stay that way.

Best posts made by car54
RE: Will Kevin Be In The Reboot?
RE: My Predictions on Ben 10 Hero Generation
@Tactical-Ochoa I didn't mean to start an argument about it.
I know that's the canon story but if I liked that I wouldn't write fan fiction for it.
Fortunately, since it is fiction there is not "real story" and one version is as valid as any other. -
RE: CN's treatment of Ben 10
@Rexfan1333 said:
@Omni-Triforcer I agree completely, animation is not just for kids.
I'm 47 and still a big animation fan.
RE: Please Don't Make The Reboot Like This
There's no problem with profit, without it there would never have been a CN or Ben 10,, but they could do it with a quality product. -
RE: How was Cannonbolt's planet destroyed?
They may be inherently pacifist, Ben is not.
Their armor seems to be mainly defensive but Ben found a way to use it offensively. -
RE: CN's treatment of Ben 10
While I'm generally not a big fan of Japanese animation I"d give it a chance....They can't do worse than CN has so far. -
RE: Please Don't Make The Reboot Like This
@Tactical-Ochoa Yes, they are taking a very short sighted approach to their business.
RE: CN's treatment of Ben 10
I agree some of the art is even better than the original series. and a lot of the pics of them as teens look more like the original characters aged up than what we saw in AF.
I'd love to see MoA follow through with their original plan for a sequel series. -
RE: Who is your favorite Ben 10 Villain, other than Vilgax?
For me it has to be Kevin. he really was the evil Ben. He was also a warning to Ben of what he could be, and probably would be without Max and Gwen. As I see it Vilgax may be the main villain of the show but Kevin is Ben's true nemesis. They are perfect enemies.As for AF and the others, it would be like making the Joker change his ways and become Batman's partner. Or emperor Palpatine becoming Yoda's best friend.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot
@Tactical-Ochoa A Ken 10 series might be the way to go. Make it an AU separate from any of the previous series, (Like they did with Star Trek) That would free them up to work with the back story....and give MoA a free hand to do it right.
It would be interesting to see Ben and Gwendolyn as mentors to Ken and his new team. -
RE: Should Max die?
@Rexfan1333 I don't think they'd do that in the series but it is an interesting idea. As you say, it would make Ben's fight more personal and force him to grow up and take the lead. it would bring him and Gwen closer as she sees him trying to live up to Max's legacy. and she supports him in doing so.
The idea has a lot of potential, maybe you should write a fan fiction story about it. -
RE: Why Gwevin failed (or Why Bwen is still so popular)
Bwen may never be canon but it will be part of the Ben 10 fandom as long as the fandom exist. With the of interest in Ben 10 I'm noticing that a large part of the die hard fans are Bweners.
RE: Should Max die?
@Rexfan1333 Thanks, I'll add it to the list.....That list is getting long.
RE: Professor Paradox's Potential
I think Paradox, or Professor Retcon as I've called him, could have been an interesting character but it seemed to me that he was there not to expand the Ben 10 universe (or multiverse) but to narrow it.
Fans suggested the idea of multiple realities as a way to deal with continuity errors and allow for stories that take things in a different direction.
It seems that CN tried to pour cold water on that with paradox and his idea of a "Prime" timeline. The others are just off shoots and of less importance than the prime. (The lives in those timelines are less important to I suppose.) With this they were saying that there is only one Ben 10 and this is it. Don't like it...don't watch.
Even when they showed other timelines they really didn't get very creative with it. I could name several ideas of interesting alternate versions of Ben 10 that fans might enjoy.
I think he could have worked if he were done in a different way. Perhaps he was a time traveler lost in the stream of time (Not too far from canon) and he now travels the multiverse trying to get to his own reality, (Somewhat like Sam Beckett from "Quantum Leap") -
RE: CN's treatment of Ben 10
@Tactical-Ochoa It would be fantastic if that happened. Is it too much to hope for.
RE: Ben 10: How to Fix and Improve Julie Yamamoto
Well like I said at DA.
She exist just to say "Look, Ben has a girlfriend....and it's not Gwen." They didn't give her anything else because her purpose doesn't go beyond that.Your suggestions might help but she's still an unnecessary character. There's only so much you can do with her.
RE: Crossover Episode between OS and Reboot?
@Omni-Triforcer It could be a good idea., if there's some clear difference between the two versions of then.
Maybe if they did it as an alternate reality. I'd like to see them do more with that. They did a very poor job with it in omniverse. -
RE: If you owned Ben 10
I think I would go back to the original concept when Ben and Gwen weren't cousins. I'd also let MoA keep the show and follow a lot of the suggestions that Tactical-Ochoa made.
RE: Tragic back story
I think Ben has all of the motivation he needs. First it was just to be lauded as a hero, then it became about really helping people. Gwen was motivated by wanting to be his partner in that work and they are both motivated by each other. That holds true even if your not a bwen fan.