And they literally explained why he acted the way he did and it was because of a 50 year gap that drove him insane of not aging or anything, and the season finale was like that because you can only do so much in 10 episodes.

For those who recognize me, I'm from the Ben 10 Englishboards, I'm on from a lot of Ben 10 fansites and stuff like that.
Best posts made by Ebomnitrix
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 4: Show/Episode Discussions cont.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
I know this is a lil off topic but Merry Christmas!
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
@Omni-Triforcer said in Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions:
@jondennison72 said in Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions:
By the way when gonna show the whole new Ben 10 Reboot episodes "Villain Time" "Recipe For Disaster and "All Wet" aired on or maybe on soon?
We don't know dude. When they know we will for sure post it here.
Like seriously, we get it, you want to see the episodes, literally every comment is like "I can't wait for (THIS)", we all can't wait too but even then, hang on bro, we still got a long wait going.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
so with Episodes 28-30 out, I gotta say:
Episode 28 was good, decent plot, Grey Matter with a bandanna was just... yes... and he finally got a proper sequence unlike that Take 10 BS
Episode 29 actually let us learn more about Animo's background which hasn't been established since OS, to me Episode 29 gives me a lot of ideas for future stuff, but I think that's the last we'll see of Animo this season. However the only thing I'm annoyed is Episode 27 and 29 have the same 2 aliens, its just flip-flopped for transformation sequences, like that seriously felt lazy, but then again this happened in AF three times so I'm not surprised (Pet Project, Grounded, Inside Man)
Episode 30 I was kinda hoping for more things to happen since after all, this is a Steam Smythe episode. Also with what I've noticed, XLR8 is in all of Steam Smythe's episodes so far?We only got 10 more episodes of the series left before ANY announcement of the next season, but I'm assuming its already happening considering they pulled the same stunt with PPG this season, it's probably gonna really backfire for the American audience, but I think other audiences are gonna be into this. The main reason I say this is because its mainly hated by the US audience because "its just another reboot" and:
Reboot Hater 1: We have to hate all reboots it's not good
Reboot Hater 2: QUALITY OVER QUANITITY (true)
Reboot Hater 3: I'M A DIE HARD OS OR AF FAN AND ONLY THOSE SHOWS ARE GOOD. (sorry if this offends some people)
I mean I get it, you hate it, and it's not just because of that why I say it won't do well here, but with the more people trashing it, kids would feel embarrassed to be into Ben 10 and are probably gonna be scared that they'll make fun of em for it, just for liking it, thus most will not watch it. So it all depends on the international audience whether we get more episodes or not, and personally I don't mind just as long as we start a plot to the series, otherwise Show 6 (only its good) please?
Sorry to ramble on about this again, its just I knew if I said this, I would have to back it up by saying this once more, again sorry, but what are your guys' thoughts? -
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 4: Show/Episode Discussions cont.
Just got a couple of the Reboot figures:
RE: Is the mainstream ben 10 dead
Why is that a good idea? That won't convince CN to do anything, all it will do is to cancel and end Ben 10 all together, is that really what you want guys?
I mean this is a site for if you like Ben 10, not hate on it, even if you grown too old for it and think dishing it out will make you popular like its some kind of trend. The more this is kept up, the more not only will it convince people to not watch the show but it will continue to convince CN to stop making Ben 10, and that won't give you the episodes or shows you guys desire.
This is a show made for kids, not to mention its kick us out for newer kids and younger tweens, and the more you keep this up, the more we might not even get a second generation. That's why we even had a two year hiatus, its because Ben 10, despite the fact its a franchise that should be for all ages, its targetted for kids.
All Cartoon Network wants is Comedy, just like Disney with Sitcoms, and Nickelodeon taking over your shows just to turn them into crap. And that sadly will never change til a lot of people are fired and a newer generation of people take charge for the next generation of shows, but that won't happen now, especially since people from the 70s-80s and very early 90s are making shows right now, and some of them don't have any idea what they're doing, they're just using this is as a business so that they can merchandise/get more money.
Cartoon Network hates action shows for crying out loud, I mean you've seen the treatment, and they're using it on Steven Universe right now because that's the only thing left aside Transformers: RID. Right now anything that's action on CN is screwed and that also will never change, so until Ben 10 is bought out to someone else, we're stuck with Ben 10 forever being comedies, no matter how many sequels we want.
But that isn't the case at the moment, the point is, why would you get rid of something you love in fact, what is the whole point of this website anyway. Its for Ben 10, the love for all series, even some you don't like more than others, because the more you push your hate for Ben 10, the more it gets worse like the Reboot you guys asked for 4 years ago, and the more you won't ever get another series ever again, that's why people even make fun of it now, cause nobody has any hopes for Ben 10 and they think of it as a laughing stock, honestly that isn't even mature to do.
If you hate Ben 10, go ahead, its not the show for you, but that doesn't mean you have to shove in everybody's face how much you only like one show and hate the others, or that you think Ben 10 is terrible, Ben 10 won't ever be like the original, and the more you convince them to do it, the more it gets worse, and not only that, you shouldn't even be demanding for another show like the original because we keep getting crap like this ever since Ultimate Alien, and that's why it died down like this, because kids aren't going to buy merchandise from a show that isn't the kind of thing they would watch, because it was being made for us because we were watching them get older, just like we were, and people our age don't mainly buy stuff like that anymore, especially from a franchise that was just starting out back then. The toys died down because it was a show being made for teens/adults, then the show tried to interact with kids by creating Omniverse, so they can make a sequel and be for kids, which failed miserably because it was both a sequel and it was hated by over-exaggerated reasons (Rook, No Gwevin, and Art Style) WHICH WASN'T EVEN THAT BAD, HELL IT IMPROVED THE BACKGROUND DESIGNING AND COLORS, and all people back then only cared about Gwevin, and rarely the aliens which honestly was stupid -_-. Then the Reboot happens and all of you won't shut up about how bad you think it is, who knows, maybe some people like it and they aren't even have a website like this to go to yet. I mean yes, even I can agree its not all that great, but it might be great to some people, and the more you guys outlash it like that, despite your respectful opinions, the more we won't even have a fanbase anymore, that's why there's a limited amount of websites for Ben 10 left. Because there's only this and BTFF, and died right after Omniverse and I feel bad for the guy that owns it because he's the only one who's trying to keep a site like that alive.
Cartoon Network right now went from a channel for anyone to 6-12, and so did Ben 10, and so did every show that's on this channel right now. Until CN fires a lot of the bad people, and the president and scheduling guy atm (who were hired in 2014) step down, then we're not going anywhere from here, understand?
Ben 10 won't change, even when we tell them to, it won't change til its removed from Cartoon Network, or they finally wake up and see that they need to go back to the route they were on before 2007, hell before 2012. The only good things that have happened since then are Toonami and Samurai Jack coming back, and Steven Universe. Meanwhile Adventure Time and Regular Show died down because despite how good they were, people stopped caring and we only get one slot of those shows a month because of the spam of Teen Titans Go.
I rest my case. -
RE: Artwork and a New Alien
I want you all to remember this.
The creators of the original Teen Titans and Powerpuff Girls were not involved with the Reboots.
The ones for Ben 10 are, so things can be entirely different, and from what I'm seeing, Cartoon Network might be going for a Saturday lineup with JLA and Ben 10, as their being promoted slowly together, that might be their goal for Fall 2016/Spring 2017. So it might be 11 minute shorts of action shows, like what we were expecting from "New Teen Titans", for now we just gotta have hope and not give up on it yet. There's still time, and we have not seen a trailer for either of them, nor have we seen enough content to say anything about them except for the fact that people don't like how it looks so far (aside me, cause I love it.)
Just don't lose hope yet til we get there, that's all I can tell you from here. I know some of you are all over the original series or Alien Force, but Ben 10 won't ever be like that again, and if you can't respect that, then don't even bother with it in general anymore, cause Ben 10 will always be changing and it will always keep going down different paths so it can respect its value for the audience its going for.But with this show, it might change to where its not like Powerpuff or TTG, it might prove to still be like Ben 10 itself, just give it time and be patient. cause we don't know what's going to happen.
For now, let's just pray outside the art style which might be better than what we think it is, that the show can top Omniverse and Ultimate Alien.
(And don't worry, I am respecting all your opinions, but just try to keep it in control til we get more information, okay?) -
RE: Who wants Ben 10 to be put on Netflix and/or Adultswim?
I agree, honestly what we need is the Galactic Roadtrip.
Because Ben 10 is supposed to be handled kinda like how DBZ is, like its always growing, aging, and the threats get worse and worse, while also caring about your supportive cast and watching them grow up. Mainly that part of it.
Rebooting was a good step, but if it were made years later, it wouldn't have been as crapped on. But its more of a show that should've been on during 2005, because that's what the show feels like to me, its too simple. Like the show isn't bad, but it would've been bigger back then.
I mean I can tell the Reboot was made for International Ben 10, not western, which is why the show is more like this, and if you've seen the advertisements and stuff on the eastern side, I think its more focused on what most people over there what they're wanting, more then what it really needs to be.
Honestly have Greg Weisman, Gennady Tartakovsky, and even Thomas Pugsley (OS/OV) take over the show from here, so we can get somewhere/more of a push to the series and I say it'll be better.
Hell I wouldn't mind keeping a lot of the writers they've had who've been writing the show since both it started and Alien Force, because a lot of those people wrote really good episodes. Like Matt Wayne, his writing really improved from Alien Force to Omniverse, and he's done a lot of superhero related episodes outside of that (Super Hero Squad, etc). Geoffrey Throne who gave us really unique episodes like Inspector 13, and also Final Countdown, which that episode was one of the most emotional ones of the series (mainly towards the ending.) and even Eugene Son, because he's wrote episodes for the series since OS, and he even took part in the 200th episode (the good part), like having writers like them on board, and others would be great for Ben 10 to have.
They also shouldn't try to ignore their aliens just because they hate them either. Like Omniverse is the only show that really didn't wanna use certain ones. I mean we get you have a limit, but you could at least show the most that you can, especially the great ones. Omniverse treated their aliens like garbage because they really didn't wanna use aliens from Alien Force except Rath. This show should use aliens from all their shows and not just try to forget their existence, heck even mentioning or making hologram and species cameos would at least for the series. UA at least designed every alien Ben ever went, he didn't go them but at least got a glimpse of what should've been.
Another thing about the aliens, The biggest problem I had is where they tried to make Wildvine and XLR8 more like Swampfire and Fasttrack so they have an excuse not to use them, which I didn't like, XLR8's high pitch voice, and what Wildvine has done recently in the Reboot. Like I said, I get you hate certain aliens, but don't just try to forget their existence and try to ruin yours more. (Cough, ChamAlien, Fasttrack, Jetray, Spitter, and recently Wildmutt (cough reboot))
Personally Netflix is the best option, Adult Swim takes 2 years to make 10 half hour episodes, and personally that wouldn't be the best option despite the fact they handle their shows with care. I mean both AS and Netflix do. They're the reasons why so many shows got brought in good ways, while most networks are failing to do so. (Mainly Cartoon Network and the live action CGI remakes we don't stop getting. Seriously Hollywood MAKE SOMETHING ORIGINAL.)
Sorry for that rant their guys. But yeah, I'm with Netflix, because 13-15 episodes every 10 months compared to 10 episodes every 2 years sounds better imo. -
RE: Artwork and a New Alien
I can't tell what animation style is what anymore, they're flip flopping and making it confusing back and forth to the point where I am so confused. Cause we see one style, then another, then even another, like there's no accurate way to tell which design they're using cause we've seen like a Gen Rex, a Alvin & Chipmunks design, then a close-to-OS looking thing, then a BH6 resembling one, and now I see that... it's like... WHICH BEN IS ACCURATELY OUR UPCOMING BEN, CAUSE I CAN'T TELL ANYMORE!
Seriously, a trailer would solve all our problems at this point... or even a look at the toys, I'm js.
I know the Reboot is using its own design style, but I'm representing from what I've seen from previous things to help resemble what they represent towards me.
Either way I'm a little excited but still confused. LIKE SERIOUSLY! -
RE: State of Cartoon Network
SO APPARENTLY, This is Cartoon Networks Schedule Next Week:
I'm so annoyed at all those Teen Titans Go airings next week like 150, omg...
Ever since they hired this new scheduling guy in 2014, its been such a mess, so I've decided to made a better version of what should be CN's schedule (on windows paint), check it out! (I didn't edit the right bar though, but check it, doesn't my version look better?)
I also got this off Toonzone, I don't know where the other person originally got it, but I give credits to the person that did.
(It's too bad there was no Sonic Boom, Ben 10 or Bunnicula or I would've added that to the list, same with Pokemon)
Latest posts made by Ebomnitrix
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
There are clips from foreign CN eps that are out from That's The Stuff, and of course the Alien Madness promo (that we didn't get to discuss because of the awkward glitch on the site)
Chances are the aliens for That's The Stuff are Grey Matter, OE Four Arms and OE Diamondhead. -
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
Episodes 22-24, aka the episode list I sent above are now up on the CN App and CN Website, they also feature episodes with Shock Rock.
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
For the first time since Omniverse, the US may be getting episodes before anyone else.
Mon April 16th - 6:00 PM (EST) - 222 - Half-Sies
Mon April 16th - 6:15 PM (EST) - 223 - Xingo's Back
Mon April 23rd - 6:00 PM (EST) - 224 - Bounty Ball -
RE: CN Schedules
Apple and Onion wraps up its finale tonight with a marathon of all its episodes.
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
Two more weeks before the 11th Alien airs in the US, for those who have yet to see the special (I'm assuming everyone has by now) who's hyped?
Ben 10 Club's Awkward Hiatus
So for the last few days, I bet users like us have noticed the site has been down. We don't know why it was down for the last few days but all we can say is... we're back! So let's keep the party rolling!
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
Well I mean the description and the news presented confirms Shock Rock is going to get Ghostfreaked, which explains how Upgrade returns in the Omnitrix, so yeah.
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
I'm surprised no one has talked about this but CN's Upfront is out... and.... Shock Rock is getting Ghostfreaked
Greenlit for a third season, Ben, cousin Gwen and Grandpa Max are ready for action that will be loaded with epic transformations, never-before-seen aliens and foes, and with high-energy vehicles to kick hero-time into maximum overdrive. New episodes from the current season, including a half-hour special will introduce the newest alien trying to invade Ben’s world – Shock Rock, who is looking to conquer the world and drain the planet of energy and resources. Ben 10 is produced by Cartoon Network Studios and created and executive produced by Man of Action Entertainment.
Also thanks to some insider info, so.... we are getting new aliens, but with how MOA wants to do things, basically while Upgrade takes Shock Rock's slot, some other new aliens will take other alien slots, keeping Ben at 10. Also new gimmick...?
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
Hilarious @Ungrateful-Wolf
and Some surprising info leading to the season finale is revealed, also the 11th Alien will premiere Friday April 6 for the US -
RE: Ben 10 Reboot Discussion Part 1: Season 2
Episode 21-26 have been announced to air in CN Germany in April, and usually when it airs in Germany, its 3-6 weeks later than the UK. almost might be coming, stay tuned...