If you owned Ben 10
@Tactical-Ochoa I think he means a long running series of comics.
@Rexfan1333 Well, he said just comics so with that, I thought he meant Ben 10 comics in general. I don't know about Marvel and DC though. I believe Man of Action previously worked with Marvel but left after facing some issues with Marvel and went to form Man of Action. Therefore considering that, I don't think Marvel would be a suitable choice to sell Ben 10 to. DC however I'd say is a definite no. DC Comics is owned by Warners Bros who are currently dealing with a lot of justifiably harsh criticism due to their business practices. Plus, Warners Bros is under the same corporate umbrella as Cartoon Network, both being a part of Time Warner. Therefore, selling Ben 10 to DC would basically be like selling Ben 10 back to Cartoon Network, something that I honestly wouldn't prefer. Plus, do we really need to be reminded as to what Warners Bros and Cartoon Network did to Teen Titans by making Teen Titans Go!? Marvel is probably the better choice here.
However, since that we previously discussed how Ben 10 would be good in the hands of a Japanese anime production company, what do you guys think about Ben 10 having a Japanese manga series as well?
Yea i meant long running comics with actual story arcs instead of one and dones.
@Omni-Triforcer Ok then.
@Tactical-Ochoa I could see MOA do something like that with Ben 10 being a long running series and all that, it would make it even more popular and fans as well as comic fans will enjoy it.
I like the idea of a Ben 10 manga, maybe a mini series, it could be awesome, which artist would you have do it. I think Gurihiru (they did the original Avatar the last air bender comics) and should do it because they have similar style to the original series,
@Rexfan1333 Not really sure on who should do a comic/manga series. I'm not big on comics and manga anyways.
Im a fan of marvel and dc and would love to see ben 10 in either of their universes but it doesnt have to be them. Just someone that actually does good comics would be good. And btw tactial i was just talking about the comic books when i said dc so it doesnt really matter what turner did with ttg because turner doesnt have anything to do with the actual comics.
@Omni-Triforcer I'm aware of that. I'm just making the connection between DC, Warners Bros, and Cartoon Network. It's Warners Bros and Cartoon Network that we really have to worry about here when it comes to selling Ben 10 to DC Comics. Then again, I heard that Time Warner and Turner Broadcasting had been receiving a good chunk of criticism for their business practices as well.
@Tactical-Ochoa Yeah and If I had to chose an animator and character designer for Ben 10 it you would be You Yoshinari. (who has done Panty and Stocking and Gurren Lagann)
@Omni-Triforcer Yea im a fan to of Marvel and the Dc would be Very cool to see Ben 10 Comics in a serie like Deadpool and spider-Man hope that Marvel DC or MOA will make a Ben 10 comic serie like that
@Ben-10-Fan would be awesome to see what Marvel would do with Ben 10. Spider-Man and Ben 10 in one comic would be epic.
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
If I owned Ben 10 I would have made it more like Alien Force and Ultimate Alien. Ben wearing the Ultimatrix again, Gwen still being hot, Kevin being a hero and Julie is still Ben's girlfriend. Vilgax is the main villain and Psyphon is his servant. I also want more nudity in the show. Thats one of the things the show lacks. And be more dark like UAF. Also having humor like Rath and the Vreedles.
@Mortie-10 That's sounds interesting, it would probably be shown on Netflix or HBO though for the nudity, but still sounds cool.
@Mortie-10 So have more nudity for a kid friendly show? No thanks. I'd prefer Ben's aliens having clothes. I'd also prefer not having another DC version of Ben 10 since that that's what Alien Force and Ultimate Alien pretty much are. I'd rather have Ben 10 be more like the Original Series and/or to be more like either a Japanese anime or a Marvel show since that that's what Ben 10 is originally closest to. More especially like an anime.
@Tactical-Ochoa Just to clearify: Other CN shows, both past and present, have nudity in them.
@Mortie-10 Eh, true.
- topic:timeago_later,3 months
I think I would go back to the original concept when Ben and Gwen weren't cousins. I'd also let MoA keep the show and follow a lot of the suggestions that Tactical-Ochoa made.
ah yeah I agree car plus also I would probably have kevin and gwen not date also I would probably have gwen or ben kevin or just have gwen and ben both kill him and also kill kai green and make the most brutal and metal way for her to die
What I'd do is making another Ben 10 show so we can get the Galactic Road Trip.
Confirm none of the Ben 10,000's are real and Paradox admits Ben can't meet his true future self, only his alternations for time sake.
Kai... if she were to ever be used, I'd change things up so she could learn to change her ways. But I'm against using her.
I'd introduce Sandbox, and make sure other aliens who weren't in Omniverse to appear, and that includes Spitter. Not only that, I'd make sure that none of the aliens or villains or even ideas get retconed but fix very minor things.Actually at the moment, me and a couple friends of mine are making a fanfiction based off that, that's going to be a little more mature, but not too mature.
We already have a title and idea in mind, although the sad things is... some of my ideas won't be able to be used, but others will.
We're calling it, Ben 10: Interstellar.Butif I were to go passed that, I'd do one more show focused on Teen Ben, and let that lead up to Ben 10,000 and use some mechanics from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for the rest of the Ben 10 franchise. And of course make a later Reboot out of it.
But that's what I would do.
@Ebomnitrix really cool ideas, I would love a more story driven Ben 10 series (would be a dream come true), just hope if this reboot doesn't go well that they can reboot the series the right way and aim toward all ages like Voltron Legendary Defender (with the same animation company) did.