Uh, No. Just no.

Best posts made by chronosapien234
RE: New image found from ben 10 reboot fake or real???
That is not real, but this is!
RE: Justice League and Ben 10 Bringing Action Back to CN?
You know what? there was some action in 2012. If you think about it, ben 10 omniverse was a little bit like the original teen titans with plenty of action, a consistent story line buildup, and just enough cartoony animation to balance the serious. it only went downhill when teen titans go aired its second episode.
RE: My Ben 10 Video Game Idea
I once had this idea for a skylander-style videogame where each alien is classified into a different type, like electric, strong, intelegence, flight, ect.
RE: What aliens do you think will return in the Ben 10 Reboot?
Duh, they are awesome
Latest posts made by chronosapien234
RE: Huh. Looks like Death Battle is going to get a lot of flak for this.
No wonder, they nerfed Ben and buffed Hal. Do I even need to explain where they went wrong? Anyone who’s seen Ben fight while in control of alien x knows they made an oopsie. Someone call pewds to call them out!
How strong is atomix?
Hey, long time no see guys! I was watching death battle the on their day and saw that the next matchup is none other than Ben 10 vs Green lantern! That got me thinking, How strong are ben’s aliens? More specifically, Atomix. I’ve been trying to determine just how strong he is based on this scene from omniverse. Especially the part where atomix’s punch colides with ultimate humungousaur and sends him flying. Assuming that this is a casual punch from ben while Albeto is putting a bit of effort, and Ultimate humungousaur’s mass and strength is greater than, if not double that of the hulk, how hard would atomix have to punch to not only neutralize the punch, but also create enough counter-force to send a 2 ton hyperevolved dinosaur flying back, let’s say 50 meters. I’m just spitballing here.
Bonus! I’m also curious how much explosive power had to be in that orb to send him through 3 layers of ultra-thick concrete.
RE: Justice League and Ben 10 Bringing Action Back to CN?
You know what? there was some action in 2012. If you think about it, ben 10 omniverse was a little bit like the original teen titans with plenty of action, a consistent story line buildup, and just enough cartoony animation to balance the serious. it only went downhill when teen titans go aired its second episode.
RE: Please Don't Make The Reboot Like This
So, are you starting to like it a bit, or are you still trashing it?
RE: Alien Armor
I think it sounds like ben became a power ranger from the super megaforce series.
RE: New image found from ben 10 reboot fake or real???
@admin said:
New image! Probably not fan art. I see Big Chill.
That is stinkfly, if you will remember his re design. also big chill's wings don't have holes
RE: What aliens do you think will return in the Ben 10 Reboot?
well, I thought Zs'Skayr only looked good in omniverse.
RE: What aliens do you think will return in the Ben 10 Reboot?
Duh, they are awesome
RE: What aliens do you think will return in the Ben 10 Reboot?
only the fact that there is going to be something called a "ben-tuition". take a guess of what that is
RE: What aliens do you think will return in the Ben 10 Reboot?
nope, those are the last two.