D.C. Network designed 5 brand new Ben 10 aliens in the Omniverse style
D.C. Network designed 5 of his own Ben 10 aliens and had an artist draw them in the Omniverse style. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwWRaxnCr2A
I honestly really enjoyed watching this, it took me back to when Omniverse used to be on the air and really made me miss watching new episodes of Ben 10 every week. Hopefully we get a new series soon!
- topic:timeago_later,about a month
@cooljay7 I wonder if Man Of Action really gonna do a Ben 10 cartoon spinoff featuring Grandpa Max Tennyson? Grandpa Max should have his own animated series real soon in the near future that'll be cool. Don't you think?