Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
@Tactical-Ochoa That's fine that you feel that way, but I think the reboot has lots of potential, of course the series will start off rocky at first, even the original series did at one point. I really don't want to have a argument with you over this if you still too stubborn to give this series a chance, honestly no matter what you think of it other people will think of it differently so that's your opinion not a fact, this series is facing what Omniverse has gotten and look how good that series turned out so I don't really care what you think of the reboot. That's your problem, so sorry you still feel that way.
I was thinking of something. These two episodes that we have right now might have been aired for promotional purposes or something. Maybe on October 8th or 10th we will get a true first episode that will show Ben getting the Omnitrix. Maybe. That's just my guess.
@Tactical-Ochoa said in Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3:
I was thinking of something. These two episodes that we have right now might have been aired for promotional purposes or something. Maybe on October 8th or 10th we will get a true first episode that will show Ben getting the Omnitrix. Maybe. That's just my guess.
Maybe, Didnt they air the first ben 10 episode as a sneak peek for the original series? But in that case it was actually the first episode.
New episode title
"Riding the Storm Out"
Ben and Gwen's camping trip is interrupted by the emotionless Weatherheads - Gust-o, Hail-o, & Shock-o - but a malfunctioning Omnitrix firing out a mishmash of aliens may not be the forecast for success.
@james said in Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3:
New episode title
"Riding the Storm Out"
Ben and Gwen's camping trip is interrupted by the emotionless Weatherheads - Gust-o, Hail-o, & Shock-o - but a malfunctioning Omnitrix firing out a mishmash of aliens may not be the forecast for success.
Oh cool we are gonna see alien fusions
@Ben-10-Fan Has informed me we will be getting new episodes tommorow at 5:30 in australia which is 2:30 am eastern time
@Rexfan1333 Too stubborn to give the reboot a chance? I'm just talking about these two episodes only right now. Not the "potential" that the reboot has. If a good episode does come up, I'll say that it's a good episode. I'm well aware that there are going to be people with different opinions than me. I'm also well aware that there are people with the same opinions as me as well and I'm noticing more and more people that don't like these episodes than those that do. I'm also well aware that my opinion isn't fact right now and neither are yours and anyone else's here. Yeah because a 5.9/10 on IMDB and the low viewer ratings that Omniverse got as well as the still constant criticisms that Omniverse is still receiving and much more really shows that Omniverse was a good show. If you don't care about what I think of the Ben 10 reboot, then why the hell are you even arguing with me in the first place? If you really don't care about what I have to say about the Ben 10 reboot, then don't respond...ever. You constantly getting into arguments with me about this show shows that you do care about my opinions. That's a problem that you're dealing with. It even feels as if you, and some others on here, don't even care about what's in the reboot just as long as it's called Ben 10 and it's a new show regardless of what it is and what problems it has. There are obvious flaws that these episodes have yet those that do like the episodes don't even criticize and point out those very flaws. That you and some others will like these episodes even IF they are bad episodes. It's fine if that's how you and anyone else here feels about the Ben 10 reboot as well but again, if you or anyone else here that does like the reboot doesn't care about whatever criticism that me and anyone else here gives, then don't respond to our comments...ever. Like I said plenty of times before, don't even bother with me. Considering that you and some others keep coming back to argue with me some more shows that you do care so that is a problem that you're dealing with. I'm so sorry that you don't like the opinion of one person to the point that you will keep coming back to constantly argue with that one very person.
@Tactical-Ochoa You are the one yelling at me, I'm just saying that these are the first episodes which are good and there is plenty more episodes coming that could be even better. I'm not trying to make any trouble here, but it's seems no matter what this reboot does you always try to finds something wrong with it. I'm okay with crituques, but you just do nothing but bash it.
@Rexfan1333 There you go again, responding to my comment even though you said that you don't care about what I have to say. I said how I liked Ben and Gwen's interactions and teamwork in Freaky Gwen Ben. That I thought that was a good thing with that episode. That's bashing the reboot? Sounds more like you're giving me bullshit. If you don't care about my opinions, don't respond to them.
And no, the episodes are not good because, again, there are more people that are showing dislike to those two episodes than those that like them. You and some others find the episodes to be good. Most, if not everyone else, say otherwise.
@Tactical-Ochoa That's your opinion, not everyone else thinks like you, if you can't deal with the changes, then just stop watching the reboot altogether, seriously all you do is complain about the reboot instead of just watching it for the fun and adventure the series has, I'm done talking to you, it's like talking to a wall.
@Tactical-Ochoa said in Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3:
@Rexfan1333 There you go again, responding to my comment even though you said that you don't care about what I have to say. I said how I liked Ben and Gwen's interactions and teamwork in Freaky Gwen Ben. That I thought that was a good thing with that episode. That's bashing the reboot? Sounds more like you're giving me bullshit. If you don't care about my opinions, don't respond to them.
And no, the episodes are not good because, again, there are more people that are showing dislike to those two episodes than those that like them. You and some others find the episodes to be good. Most, if not everyone else, say otherwise.
I haven't heard anyone else say the episodes were bad.
@Omni-Triforcer I heard a few hate comments, but they are a small minority, most of it are into the reboot at what I saw.
@Rexfan1333 @Omni-Triforcer You haven't been looking around hard and well enough. I'm getting more and more comments on Reddit alone saying that the episodes are bad. I just spoke with a well-known YouTuber and cartoon enthusiast and critic with thousands of supporters say that he didn't like the episodes. I'm noticing more and more people showing dislike towards the episodes and agreements towards my opinions of them. A small minority? More like becoming more and more of the majority.
@Tactical-Ochoa I don't go on reddit and I don't really give a crap if they hate it.
@Rexfan1333 Suit yourself.
@Mortie-10 Do not frazzle Rolf! Do not frazzle Tactical Ochoa either!
who is Rolf
@KorseBLI-ND A character in Ed, Edd'n Eddy