New image found from ben 10 reboot fake or real???
I really hope the new Ben 10 doesn't end up being a comedy centric show. That's my biggest fear, as you notice, action cartoons aren't popular anymore (for some reason), and nowadays it's all about comedy-specifically, random hunour (FOR SOME REASON).
Please CN, we don't need another Teen Titans Go! Say what you want about Omniverse but atleast even THAT series managed to have its action packed moments.
well they said that the show will be action so that already makes it not ttg
@Omni-Triforcer Yeah and Overkill Software made a promise never to put in micro-transactions into Payday 2 and look what happened there so yeah, I honestly believe that considering how "popular" comedy cartoon shows are (or at least in CN's eyes), CN is likely going to interfere with this reboot and make Man of Action and CN studios turn it into a comedy show with action elements instead of an action show with comedy elements. I hope that's not the case but CN is CN and things can take a sudden turn either for the better or worse.
I've read online that the genre of the reboot is Action/Adventure/Comedy.
hey action is first lol
On the positive side, the new artwork has always given my a Xiaolin Showdown feel for some reason.
And hopefully you'll all agree that XS was an awesome cartoon.
@Tyranidomega I have more of an Omniverse feel to the reboot artwork. I don't know. There's just something about the reboot artwork that reminds me of Omniverse.
@Tyranidomega XS was awesome and hope the Ben 10 reboot will be just as great.
@Tyranidomega I sort of thought the more recent promos looked like Scott Pilgrim
@Tactical-Ochoa Yeah, I've studied OV's design trends and I see them a lot in the first few reboot images.
really? I don't really see omniverse in them but now that you mention it i do see what you mean
- topic:timeago_later,13 days
@chronosapien234 said:
Why CN? I want a flat chested version of her!. Please tell me this design by derreck wyatt?
@coco-media that design IS flat chested.
- topic:timeago_later,4 months
What i just realized is why does grandma max and ben have new outfits but not gwen
@Omni-Triforcer Gwen does have a new outfit.
@Tactical-Ochoa Not really its basically the same. She has the same shirt with the cat symbol
@Omni-Triforcer Yes Gwen has a blue shirt with a cat logo on it but that's really where the similarities end with her outfit. In the Original Series, Gwen wore a blue long sleeve shirt, white capri pants and what looks like slip-on shoes. In the Ben 10 reboot, Gwen wears a blue short sleeve shirt over a white long sleeve shirt, a pair of tan shorts, and apparently clown shoes (I know that they're not supposed to be clown shoes but that's what it looks like she's wearing). In the reboot, Gwen has a different outfit. If anything, Max's outfit in the reboot is pretty much the same as that from the Original Series. The only difference is that he's wearing a fishing vest and that's it.
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
Since this thread has also run its course (with it originally being about if a image was real or not) i feel like i should lock it since it no longer has a purpose other then to talk about designs which can be talked about in other places.