@Tactical-Ochoa If you need any help, tell me.We can start a pettition (even if their are already ones) or at least something that will make a change.I really want this awesome show to not go downhill and to be as awesome as it could.Again, inform me if you need any help.

Posts made by Ryan Ivanov
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 2
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 2
@KorseBLI-ND I get your point, but the ''forbidden fruit'' idea won't be possible, CN obviously wants less violence and wants to give a proper attitude towards children, so being more than friends when they are still fcousins will be way out of a ''go go'' for CN.They would never show such attitude towards characters in their shows.So unless it is on adult swim or netflix, we won't see such a thing soon.Bwen can happen on CN, only if they are not cousins by plot.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 2
@Tactical-Ochoa So have you given up on trying to change or even cancel future cartoonish BS that CN will do to ben 10?You don't seem so enthusiastic to change things now.But that's just how i see it, I maybe wrong.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 2
@KorseBLI-ND Haha i get what you are talking about!Don't get me wrong, i like the idea of Bwen, but i think it will change the show too much to the point it will not be a ben 10 series, but it will be a different show by itself, keeping only the idea of the watch the same.There is a difference between a reboot and a new series, and ''Bwen'' or ''Ken and ben 10.000'' will do just that.But as i said, i like the idea and know what you mean
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 2
@Tactical-Ochoa I agree with everything you said!And i don't mean just from the last 10 messages.Let me explain.I love the ben 10 series, and it's probably the idea behind it, not so much the art and design.But when u start thinking about it, changing the art actually changes the idea.From a sci-fi fiction it changes it to a cartoon-ish show with repetetive humour.I have read almost everything that you have written since 12 months ago, when you started most of the discussions.And most people probably don't even know how deep have you gone into the subjects, so you should not try to argue with them, when they don't try to understand things from your angle.I have watched all the ben 10, and to be honest, i liked all the series, even omnitrix (at least the ending was the most epic for me).But even if we like or don't like omnitrix, I think everybody can agree the the reboot is going downhill.Even you @Omni-Triforcer , I am pretty sure that even everything you have said agains @Tactical-Ochoa , you also prefer the reboot to not be so childish and dull as it will be.You also can't deny that everything CN says about the ''new generation'' and ''the children like 11 minutes'' is BS, everyone can see that.You also miss the point of the discussion, @Tactical-Ochoa for the last year has been trying to contact CN and MOA and explain why the reboot will be a disaster, while you are arguing with him about his bad manners and etc.Age, looks and way of expressing is not the point of this discussion, and i think that you, @Omni-Triforcer , have just nothing more to say about the topic.If you want to add something to the discussion, make a research, add arguments, and stop crying about things that are way our of context.
Now as for my opinion on everything so far:
1.I actually liked the style of the omnitrix series, those all 80 episodes were pretty interesting (but that's just me).
2 .My favorite series are ultimate alien and alien force (is this guy nuts, these series sucked!)Well, they made mistakes, but i think the idea of seeing ben gwen and kevin as teenagers was pretty lit, i really liked it.@Tactical-Ochoa I maybe have only 1 or two things to disagree with you.For example i think that the gwen+kevin getting togethere was a good idea, even if it is not original, it just felt like it should happen, even if it was forced.I also don't like the idea of gwen and ben not being cousins, but being a couple.It sounds weird and unusuall to me.Probably because I will feel nostalgia for the old series, but as well because a lot of the ben 10 series loses it's point.Most of the humour came from ben and gwen arguing, and if they were attracted to each other even though they were arguing all the time, it would be the same as 90% of the romantic stories, where there will be the cliche ''oposite attracts each other'' (not an english speaker, but you get the idea).Also another thing, i saw u were going deep into the fact about gwen being half anodite, half human.I can get why you are mad about it, yes it has no logic, BUT THAT IS SCIENCE FICTION, it doesn't need to have logic in it to be good, so the whole idea of trying to say that gwen being hybrid was a bad idea was just useless.That also makes you a hypocrite, the whole time you were saying that you don't want ben 10 to be with a super hero theme, you want it to stay sci-fi, but then you start making discusiions how there is no logic in anodites not having DNA bla bla bla...But as a conclusion, I am really sad and angry that people are forcing these cartoonish stuff just to reach out to more kids to sale their merchandise, this is the point,CN very well knows that they will get more views if they make the show worth watching for all ages of people, but that way less people will buy their toys, as if they make the show exactly for kids, kids will buy the merchandise.I cant explain it well, so here is an example: 1.I make series that are interesting, funny and will reach out to all ages of people = less merchandise, more happines
2.I make series with dull humour with a childish plot (if i can even call it plot with 11 minute long series), made just for kids = more merchandiseSo in a nutshell CN tries to make more money and they are just using stupid excuses, everybody knows that, nobody can deny.But that is the thing that pisses me off!Years ago (talking before the wi-fi came out) the point of making series and comedy was to entertaing people.Now a days, the point is to make more content, with less effort, with quantity > quallity and no emotion put into it.This is sad, that people try to make more for money.And the fault is not only to CN, it is the whole system's fault.They make people live to make money, not make money to live.They forgot what got them popular at first place, the idea behind it!It's like starting a youtube channel, if you wanna do the stupid DIY and vlog BS just because more people are interested in this stuff and you can make profit of it, you won't make people smile (which is the whole point of theathre, movies and etc.)The point is to be creative and to make something new!Just trying to make ben 10 look with the same design as other series is stupid!Kids will like it because they are kids, not because it is actually a good design @Tactical-Ochoa also said that.CN thinks that making more of the same will bring them more money because they have succeed in the past, but they forgot that they didn't succeed with the formula quantity > quallity, they suceeded with the formula of creativnes, being original, making something new, introducing new type of series, making new design.That is what made them popular and earn money, so until they realise that the problem is not only in ben 10, but the whole idea of making the same type of series, but with a different plot is usage of kids imagination that will keep them watching even if the show is sh*t, and a bad idea because it will age overtime and CN won't do nothing but bankrupt.As @Tactical-Ochoa said, CN is missing an oppurtunity.They miss a great chance to shine again with the original idea of ben 10 that made it popular at first place.I am sad that i just saw the discussion the last 2 days and i couldn't try to contact CN and MOA the last days.We don't only need to fight agains that reboot @Tactical-Ochoa , we need to explain the their whole formula is wrong, and remind them what made it good series in first place.Next time we try to contact them, not only say that ben 10 reboot is a bad idea, but remind them that making all the diffeent unique ideas (ben 10, league of justice, power puff girls and etc.) looking the same, will not make them more popular and will definetely not make them more likable to people.I am a very hyperactive person, so if there are any random thoughts with no point in this opinion, i am sorry, i don't have the nerves to read through everything i have written already and fix any mistakes, I am also a foreign speaker, so excuse me for any of my mistakes.Hope you all get the point of the discussion in first place and stop arguing about things that are all out of context, and try to bring back the uniquenes to ben 10 again and hopefully we get something more likebale next time there are new series out :0