@Tactical-Ochoa Well, I'm honestly just too depressed about everyone hating this show (it feels like this when every Ben 10 show comes on and I'm just tired of it), all this hate towards this show just makes me really upset and I really don't want to talk about this anymore.

Controversial posts made by Rexfan1333
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
@Tactical-Ochoa I honestly don't want to get in this kind of argument again, can we just wait until the series get more episodes? Everyone has different opinions on this show and I really just don't want another argument.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
@Mortie-10 you seemed to liked it before, I hope you won't give up on Ben 10 all together, it's a franchise and it will have its ups and downs, I hate seeing it's fan base decline and it's not fair honestly.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
@Tactical-Ochoa You are the one yelling at me, I'm just saying that these are the first episodes which are good and there is plenty more episodes coming that could be even better. I'm not trying to make any trouble here, but it's seems no matter what this reboot does you always try to finds something wrong with it. I'm okay with crituques, but you just do nothing but bash it.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
@Tactical-Ochoa That's fine that you feel that way, but I think the reboot has lots of potential, of course the series will start off rocky at first, even the original series did at one point. I really don't want to have a argument with you over this if you still too stubborn to give this series a chance, honestly no matter what you think of it other people will think of it differently so that's your opinion not a fact, this series is facing what Omniverse has gotten and look how good that series turned out so I don't really care what you think of the reboot. That's your problem, so sorry you still feel that way.
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 3: Show/Episode Discussions
@KorseBLI-ND this version is just like the original and he's freaking 10 for god sakes.