With me I support the bwen pairing and the reason I support with how they are in the show they seem like a couple plus I am more open minded than most of my family

Best posts made by KorseBLI-ND
RE: Bwen
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 2
with me I think they should have xylene in the reboot and also I hope verdona wont be in it and if they mention her they just say shes dead so they don't have the anodite crap in the show
Ben 10 protector of earth video game
I recently dug out my copy of the original series Ben 10 game man it brought back memories and so I am wondering what stuff did you guys like about it and what did you did not like
RE: What will come after the Reboot?
with me I am fifty/fifty on the reboot just I hope they don't have gwen getting involved with kevin because to me that was a really bad move having her fall in love with a guy trying to kill her also the other is ben teaming up with kevin
RE: Ben 10 protector of earth video game
With me I played the ps2 version and than after I got a psvita I bought the psp version plus I have the ds version that came in a combo pack with two other Ben 10 games
RE: Why Gwevin failed (or Why Bwen is still so popular)
With me cgst I think ben should of just killed Kevin instead of putting him back in the nullvoid
RE: What will come after the Reboot?
with me rexfan1333 I would not just because if I was ben I would not trust the guy enough without having a device on him so that if he betrays me it would vaporize most of his upper torso and head
RE: Should Ben 10 go to Toonami?
I agree Tom and Sara would treat ben 10 better than cartoonetwork
RE: CN's treatment of Ben 10
Ah yeah it would of Ben awesome to see madhouse studio do Ben 10 or any other groupn
RE: Addressing the Ben 10 Reboot Part 2
I agree tactical that is the best way to get newbies caught up
RE: what person would be the perfect mentor for ben
ah yeah green lantern would work but which one because there was alan scott who was the first and than there was hal Jordan and than there was guy gardner and john stewart and kyle Rayner
RE: CN's treatment of Ben 10
I agree I hope man of action leaves cartoonetwork also the reason I like studio madhouse they made a anime I like called hellsing
RE: Ben 10 Original Series episodes are re-airing on July 31, 2016
yeah tactical I will be awesome to watch it again on live tv instead of watching the dvds like I have been doing and that car also has been doing
RE: My Ben 10 Video Game Idea
With me tactical there is one person I would love to see working on this game and it is hideo kojima
RE: New Ben 10 Reboot Promo from CN Netherlands
I agree just I am kind of nervous about the new show
RE: What will the live-action movie be about?
oh well I can at least dream of kevin being gutted like a fish