@chronosapien234 said:
agreed! also, here:
Why CN? I want a flat chested version of her!. Please tell me this design by derreck wyatt?
@chronosapien234 said:
agreed! also, here:
Why CN? I want a flat chested version of her!. Please tell me this design by derreck wyatt?
I don't understand why derrick said that. I bet he answer some questions from a fan. Like "earlier bloomer" its totally make sense to me but "dont wear a bra"? And pointed? Wow just wow. For me, I think derrick really likes the fan art of her.
Phew I'm glad Gwen look younger in the reboot. It just Gwen look way too older in omniverse. Her age is 11 but looks like a teenager.. She's taller, and has breasts don't make her call as "kid".
The links is broken I think. I send the better one, here original Gwen. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ben10fanfiction/images/f/fe/Gwen-tennyson-charcter.png/revision/latest%253Fcb%253D20131009202112&imgrefurl=http://ben10fanfiction.wikia.com/wiki/Gwen_Tennyson/Gwen_22&h=462&w=293&tbnid=Wb_lITtyDBKK_M:&docid=iSMiUvlYqmf5TM&ei=MpNtVoaPBcziuQSo4rGIDA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiG8Jval9nJAhVMcY4KHShxDMEQMwhlKD8wPw. And here the omniverse Gwen https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/ben10fanfiction/images/8/84/Gwen_%252526_Ben.png/revision/latest%253Fcb%253D20131124105612&imgrefurl=http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/ben-10-omniverse-young-gwen-problems.454538625/&h=357&w=512&tbnid=aPspIl4pbG9ynM:&docid=T6R9yS9_d5priM&ei=MpNtVoaPBcziuQSo4rGIDA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiG8Jval9nJAhVMcY4KHShxDMEQMwgcKAAwAA
I am hook about Ben new design, can't wait to watch when its air. But i do wonder how Gwen looks like. So here's my wish. I want her to look like in the original show. Like this. 0_1450022268108_image%3A16833 she has good face. Nice eyes and slim body. I like this design but unlike omniverse like this. 0_1450022399781_image%3A16832 she has weird pupils, freckles, which I fine with that abit. But seriously, breasts? For what purpose? I heard alot complains from fans of the show about how large size of breasts for 11 year old. Derrick Wyatt is no doubt the destroyer of Ben 10 universe. That's is the reason why I dislike how Gwen looks in omniverse. They better stick to original. I finger cross on this reboot.