Ben 10: Little Moments series
At the time of posting this, yesterday, shadows59, creator of the Little Moments fan fiction series, posted both an announcement of a reboot of his story, Little Moments, as well as the first chapter of said rebooted story. I'm using this as an opportunity to make a revised version of my previous page where I posted links to the entire series for the sake of providing a more organized display of all the links to said series. I highly recommend for anyone reading this to check out the series because I find that it really is the best Ben 10-related material I've ever come across due to just how brilliantly well-written it is. Even if you're not a fan of the Bwen shipping in this series, I still highly recommend for people to give this series a proper chance due to its overall great quality and interesting and uniquely new concepts that the series tackles. Here are the links if anyone is interested in checking out the series.
Little Moments Classic (the old version of Little Moments that the author is going to keep posted in case anyone is interested in checking out) Moments Rebooted (the new version of Little Moments. New chapters are expected to be posted every Friday)
(Currently being worked on)Breaking Point Classic (the sequel to Little Moments Classic. Given the inclusion of "Classic" in the name, I'm going to assume there's going to be a rebooted version of Breaking Point as well sometime in the future) Moment: As Old As You Feel (a spin-off chapter by Erico that takes place during the ending of chapter 22 of Little Moments Classic following the perspective of Max Tennyson and Azmuth) Moment: Stone in the River (a prequel chapter to Little Moments by Erico that acts as a precursor to the Ben 10,000 episode of the Ben 10 Original Series. It follows an adult Gwen Tennyson discovering the time traveling spell and her attempt to change the past) Moment: Kiss Me Goodbye (a sequel to Stone in the River also by Erico that follows up right after the events of the Ben 10,000 episode, covering the consequences of Gwen using the time traveling spell to change the past) Moment: Rumble in the Jungle (a side chapter by Erico that covers a moment in Max Tennyson's past that changed his life forever. I recommend reading up to chapter 6 of Little Moments Rebooted before reading this chapter.) Moment: The Sorceress and The Knight (a side story by Erico that focuses on the character of Bezel and expands upon the history of Atlantis and Logos described in Stone in the River.) Ascending (a side story by Erico that focuses on Vilgax and how he became the villain that we all came to know and like from the Original Series.) Moment: They (Mostly) Come Out At Night (a side story by Erico that focuses on a Mr. Smoothie's employee whose meetings with Ben (in alien forms) and Gwen (as Lucky Girl) and their heroic actions helped change his life for the better.) Moment: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (a side story by Erico and shadows59 about Max during his days as a Plumber through the perspective of a new member of his team) Moment: For Fear Of Little Men (a short side story released as a special for Christmas 2020 and centers on Azmuth and a certain peculiar other character) Moment: In the Face of Extinction (a side story that follows the perspective of Jim Huxby, leader of the Plumbers, during the first public appearance of aliens back in 1952) are all of the links to each iteration of the Little Moments fan fiction series. You can also find these same stories on Archive Of Our Own as well. Here are the links to where you can find these same stories on that very website for those that prefer AO3 over while back, artwork based on some of the characters of this series was also made and posted on Deviant-art. I really like the artwork on Ken Tennyson the most. I find that his design stands out more than his official design in the shows. Anyways, if anyone is interested, here are the links to the character artwork.
Michelle Hallam (Gwen Tennyson's best friend in the series) Hunter (Gwen's equivalent of Ben's bullies, Cash and JT) Tennyson (Ben and Gwen's son) Tennyson (Ben and Gwen's daughter) Albright (Michelle Hallam and Alan Albright's daughter) Hallam (Michelle's mother) Hallam (Michelle's father and a military colonel) is also artwork of Marci Hunter's parents. Granted, they're not really important in the series and I recall that they barely even get mentioned in the classic version of the series, but if anyone is interested, I'll post the links to them here.
Jerri Hunter Hunter new artist, ZilpaEden, made some more artwork based on the Little Moments series. Here's the links to them if anyone is interested in checking them out. They look great. I especially like Who's this, Crazy? (4th link down) as it surprisingly fits the characters very well. made a new artwork based on another scene from the Little Moments series. Here's the link if anyone is interested.
Posted by shadows59.
I'll update this page as more new Little Moments related content is released.
hey I write stories
Tactical Ochoa