The Ben 10 Reboot Toys
I just came across an image today of some of the reboot toys for 2018. The image is too large to upload here so check it out at It is at the bottom of the page. The image shows Vilgax, Kraab, alternate forms of Diamondhead, Wildvine, Heatblast, and Four Arms. Finally, their is a new alien in the image.
Do you think that these alternate forms are going to appear in the show?
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
@Nikita--Kleutin Can you tell what omnitrix toy this is and where I can get one? I'm very interested in it and I created an account just to ask you this question.
- topic:timeago_later,4 months
Does anyone know when wave 2 of the reboot toys comes out? I know it is this fall but I don't know exactly when.
The next wave was confirmed to arrive in October
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
Anyone know whats up with the Dr. Animo figure. It is not available in any stores near me and its not online anywhere (for MSRP). Apparently, Animo is the hardest figure to find in Wave 2.
- topic:timeago_later,28 days
Ah yeah I been looking for that figure also because I have upgrade,wildvine,stinkfly,fourarms,canonbolt,ben and grey matter plus all three of the deluxe power up figures
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
Wave 3 of the reboot figures came out recently and I just realized that when wave 3 was originally shown off at some toy fair Kraab was said to be a part of it. There is actually even a prototype figure of Kraab: (scroll to the bottom of the page). I wonder if they cancelled this figure or if we'll get it later. I hope we will get it later.
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
By the way when they're release new Ben 10 Reboot action figures of Gwen Tennyson and Grandpa Max Tennyson this year?
@jondennison72 I don't think they have announced a Gwen and Max figure.
This video explains how Ben was merged with upgrade