Say I wonder if they're gonna do a Ben 10 spin off cartoon series featuring Grandpa Max Tennyson how his life on the road by himself without his Grandkids. And hanging with his old former Plumber partners or friends. So what do you think of my idea?
@cooljay7 I think what's likely here is that production got delayed. Things don't always go according to plan so those very plans would have to get pushed back due to a hiccup. At least that's my assumption. I do think Cartoon Network should at least try to keep people in the loop on what's going on though.
@indivianima Welcome. If there's anything that you want to start a discussion on, feel free to make a new topic page in the General Discussion section and its subsections.
Or maybe they should give Grandpa Max Tennyson his own animated cartoon series " LIFE WITH MAX" in the future on Cartoon Network or on ADULT SWIM. Paul Eiding as the voice of Grandpa Max Tennyson. The story of how Max spending his Me time and traveling alone on the road riding his Rustbucket RV without his grandkids around him.