Ben 10 still active in the App Store
Here below you can see a new Ben 10 Omniverse ios game this month was released in the Netherlands and other countries in Europe
My questions are : 1. What do you think of the new "Ben 10 Game Generator 5D" app and question 2 : what do you think that it isn't available in the US and that the US but 2 Ben 10 games have.
It's a...puzzle game? This is Ben 10 we're talking about here. A series about Ben using the Omnitrix to fight villains and evil aliens. Who the hell wants to play a Ben 10 puzzle game? Also, yeah, CN really wants to introduce the new generation of kids to the Ben 10 series through the reboot yet this shows that Omniverse is still very much relevant even to that very targeted generation.
I'm not saying the game looks bad. I'm just saying. In a series about a boy with an alien watch fighting bad guys, who the hell wants to play a puzzle game based on that very series? Yeah at least some people would play this game but still.
Also, that's such a smart move. Release the game in Europe yet don't even bother about the American and Asian fans. Especially since that I believe the series is at it's most popular in Asia. This is unless there's a limitation for the release or the game would later be released in other countries and regions later on.
@Tactical-Ochoa Yea you
Totally right a puzzle game for Ben 10 is maybe a bad idea but it would be cool if CN or Turner gonna make a Ben 10 (Reboot) game as "Ben 10 Wrath of psychobos" a puzzle game can be boring (not hating) because I love all the Ben 10 games so ya a 3D world game for the reboot would be greater -
@Ben-10-Fan Yeah again, I'm not saying that it looks like a bad game but it's just so out of place in the Ben 10 series. I would rather prefer an open world action game, which is obvious from me since that I have my Ben 10 game idea.
Getting tired of these boring games in Ben 10, the series deserves a game that is epic and not boring as hell.
@Ben-10-Fan Oh not only that but it feels as if the title is at least a little misleading. It's called "Ben 10 Game Generator 5D" so the first thing that comes to mind with a title like that is "Oh, we can create our very own Ben 10 games." Nope, instead we just make our own puzzle levels and not actual games out of this. At least that's my take here.
@Rexfan1333 Agree. That's why I'm hoping that I can get a job at PlatinumGames and get my Ben 10 video game idea accepted and green lit. Really show the potential that the series really truly has in a video game.